Did you know that Panax ginseng (found in our Triple Defense Boost) is considered a natural adaptogen for immune health?* We love learning about the natural ingredients that power our products. Raise your if you do too! ​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ .​​​​​​​​ *These statements...

Happy first day of Fall ! Celebrate by filling your grocery bag with some fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies like apples, beets, artichokes, brussel sprouts, carrots, and figs.​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ What is your favorite Fall produce? Did you know that eating in-season produce provides...

Did you know that more than 40% of the general population reported having difficulties swallowing pills or tablets?* That's why it's important for Shaklee, and a goal of our CEO Roger Barnett, to innovate on solutions that help EVERYONE. Enter: Essential...

Beauty-Boosting Green Smoothie  1 serving  Ingredients:   ½ avocado  ½ banana, frozen  1 handful spinach  2 scoops Shaklee Collagen-9  1.5 cups coconut water  Directions:  Blend all ingredients together until smooth and serve.     Beauty-Boosting Toast  1 serving  Ingredients:  One slice of preferred bread (Shaklee pick: Ezekial or sourdough)  ...

Food just tastes better when it’s made with love, nutritious ingredients, and served beautifully.  Shaklee collaborated with the amazing Chef Maggie Hediger on creating four easy, healthy recipes for a Wellness  Breakfast that anyone can make at home. A delicious...

We’re feeling peachy now that spring is here and summer is around the corner. Here’s a freshly picked and protein-packed recipe fit for the sunshine featuring our seasonal Summer Peach Life Shake.  Ingredients:    1¼ cups freeze-dried peaches   ½ cup raw almonds   ½ cup gluten-free...