Back-to-school certainly looks different this year. Instead of worrying about new shoes and backpacks, we are all thinking about safety and social distancing. I no longer have school-aged kids: My daughter is an adult and my grandson is just about...

There are a lot of reasons why people start a Shaklee business on the side. Here is a new member of our team, Lois Leftwich, who eloquently describes why she upgraded from a Shaklee member to a distributor during the...

Summer is one of the best times to have a barbeque in the backyard. While we enjoy the variety of foods we can grill in the outdoors, barbequed food can sometimes have significant health impacts. Here’s what you should know...

Looking for a travel friendly water pitcher thats safe? We have made it to the Florida panhandle on a non-stop, social distancing, mask wearing, first time with a baby car trip; and of course we brought our Shaklee Get Clean Water...

More and more people are working from home nowadays. For me, it’s just part of my normal schedule as I have been working from home now for almost 26 years. Over the years, I have had to manage distractions and...