What It Means to Be Climate Neutral

When my husband and I were first introduced to Shaklee we were also beginning to build green energy efficient homes.  So we knew back in 1994 that we wanted to be partnered with a company like Shaklee with a stellar environmental legacy. When we say that Shaklee was green before green was a thing, we mean it. Shaklee was the first company in the world to be certified Climate Neutral. While we celebrate 20 years of our Shaklee’s certification, let’s look at what it exactly means and why it’s such an important milestone for us.

We’re carbon neutral.

Obtaining a Climate Neutral designation means that we’ve completely offset our CO2 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. This is so important because carbon is a greenhouse gas, a form of air pollution that alters the Earth’s atmosphere and its living conditions. So for us to be carbon neutral means that we track our carbon emission and offset all of them by displacing “dirty” energy with clean renewable energy credits and carbon offsets.

We measure, offset, and reduce our carbon emissions.

In our ongoing efforts to maintain our carbon neutrality, we purchase 100% renewable energy, renewable energy credits, and greenhouse gas emission offsets for worldwide activities. We also calculate our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions every year in accordance with the GHG Protocol by the World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development. We’ve been able to offset 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions, and we’ll continue to look for ways to reduce our impact.

We’re in it for the long run.

Bringing true wellness to the world includes our planet, which is why we’ve always been committed to helping to keep our planet healthy in any way possible. In addition to offsetting 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions, we make efforts to reduce our consumption of electricity and gas as well as materials use through reducing our packaging, reusing shipping cartons, and utilizing post-consumer recycled paper. Not only do we reduce our impact on the Earth, but we give back as well. We have a commitment to plant 10 million trees within the next 10 years.

Shaklee has always been rooted in nature, and we do everything in our power to protect it. Here’s to a healthier future for our people and our planet.

The post What It Means to Be Climate Neutral appeared first on Shaklee Corporation.